Your pitch deck will become the single most valuable communication tool to use with external audiences of all types and you will use it for multiple purposes. You’ll use it for presentations to investors and if you ever decide to pitch at a pitching event, you’ll obviously need one for that too. In the old days we actually wrote out a 20-30 page business plan. Today, your pitch deck serves as a summarized, and visually appealing version, of a business plan.
There are a few different philosophies about the ideal flow of information in a pitch deck, but I usually prefer to use/see what I most often encounter. That is what I’ll mostly describe in this article. I’ll also mention the most common variations. For each pitch deck section, I’ve provided select tidbits and things to consider for maximum effectiveness. But I could actually write an article on each section by itself, so don’t limit yourself to the things I’ve mentioned.
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