Category: Mergers & Acquisitions

acquisition earnout

Golden Rules for Acquisition Earnouts

Many startup founders dream of the day they eventually sell their company for hundreds of millions of dollars, or more. They envision many zeros added to their personal bank account…

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startup acquisition

You’ve Decided it’s Time to Sell the Company

I’m willing to bet that 95% or more of startup exits are via acquisition rather than IPO.  But when is the right time to sell?  Actually, you’re a lucky founder…

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Tell Me Your Price and I’ll Tell You My Terms

I didn’t invent this quote (can’t remember where I heard it) but what a great one to help remember that with most business-related transactions, price is definitely not the only…

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approached for acquisition

Approached for Acquisition – Now What?

I have written articles about various aspects of M&A, including two that are based-on-true-story case studies (titled “A Tale of Two Acquisitions”) to teach the numerous lessons I’ve learned throughout…

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Misuse of Open Source Software Can Kill Your Acquisition Exit

Misuse of Open Source Software Can Kill Your Acquisition Exit

How can something that’s free and openly available cause so much unintended harm to your business?  The availability of open source software has contributed as much to lowering the cost…

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A Tale of Two Acquisitions – Part 2

Common perception is that in an acquisition the acquirer has all of the power.  After all, they are the one that’s writing the check and they can walk away at…

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A Tale of Two Acquisitions – Part 1

For every headline you see about a tech company being acquired for some huge multiple of revenue or profit there are literally hundreds of other acquisition approaches that either ended in nothing…

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exit strategy

Answering the “Exit Strategy” Question

You’ve just completed a great investor pitch with heads nodding and good interaction.  You’re about to ask “Does this opportunity interest you enough to explore an investment?” when instead you get…

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acquisition LOI

Revealing Excessive Info Before Getting an Acquisition LOI

When an interested acquirer approaches you, they will naturally ask for as much information as you are willing to give them.  But how much and what type of information should…

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acquisition exit

Don’t Accidentally Kill Your Future Acquisition Exit

Too many startups discover they’ve got an acquisition-blocking or acquisition-inhibiting issue after a price tag has already been agreed with the acquirer.  It comes out during due diligence and the…

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selling your company

Are You Selling Your Company or is Someone Buying It?

If you find yourself in the position of considering a sale of the company, the significance of the distinction between selling your company and someone buying your company is HUGE….

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